/ka schwä bəl/ verb. 1. To eat with gusto!
About Us

Let me introduce our team of Assessment Engineers. They work tirelessly to test each product multiple times. We are lucky to have such dedicated taste testers!
During my childhood in Nanticoke, Pennsylvania, my family spent many summer nights on our porch after supper. On his way home after evening walks, our neighbor would cut through our yard and sit down to talk to my parents. He was a great story teller and often told of the delicious meals his family made. On one of these occasions, I can remember him telling us about the babka his wife made and how it was so good, he kaschwabbled it right up!
What a great word! I never forgot it!
So, I decided to meld three of my favorite things: my favorite word - kaschwabble, my love of animals, especially dogs, and my love of cooking!
I present to you my honest, hand-made line of pet treats!
I hope your pet kaschwabbles them right up!
With warmest regards - Marie